Monday, June 18, 2012

Gilbert the next Asia Junior Master Chef

Hello little Mouser....

it's been a long time since our last blog. We are pretty much hectic with taking photos and editing some of our clients photos so here we go...

Our client Martina Koesman is a long friend of mine...back in primary school actually. Well my wife kinda bump in each other her couple of months ago in Ace Hardware Puri Indah Mall talking and sharing  over buy one get three magic mop deal (gosh!!). Anyhow they chat..and suddenly the conversation leads to school and she went to the same primary school as me in SD Bellarminus at Menteng the center of Jakarta, so yeah..Crazy isn't it?...what a small world..excuse me I mean small town jakarta is.

So anyhow, I remember her when my wife mention about it. Back then she was a top student always got the 1st rank...a bit sad she didn't remember me though. That's ok..back then I was a little brat..the lazy group and the rebellious one. Now she own Kumon in Puri Centra Niaga I think it suits her for me the rebellious group become an artist which I think suits me well

So yeah...after that we took photos of her and her kids Thalia 10 years old and Gilbert 6 years old. I tell you what Gilbert is sooo...adorable...we show the kids our wardrobe..and as soon as Gilbert saw the apron and the fruits and vegetables replica that we have in our studio...right away..he said can I take the picture with the apron..because When I grew up I want to a chef..just like the junior master chef on TV...and we are more than happy to oblige.... there you go Gilbert N's your cooking photos..enjoy...

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