Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Beautiful photos comes from beautiful you

Hey Little Mousers...its been a while since I update our blog, and most of you would probably straight through to our facebook fan page as we also have been busy in and out of the studio too. So our blog was kind a abandon, but not forgotten off course :). so is not just blogging sake, Today I found out that cleaning up my imac which turns up to be a very difficult job. Is really hard to eliminate the photos really, as we went through each folder to another they were all precious. Families, kids, babies, all of them are cute and unique in their own way, so I have to  eliminate the unchosen and the unused ones to the bins and say good bye.

I stumble on this photos that I took for a friend of mine, her name is Koming back in October 2010 one of my first photos just before I started turn photography as a profession. Back then photography is a part time thinggy. Koming is a mother of three, home maker, famous model in the mid 90's in Indonesia..well until today you can still see her in family magazines and judges for a view modelling contest in Indonesia. Owner of baby spa in Dharmawangsa square fabulous place for kids day out, I took my 5 year old daughter she had a blast. Not to forget she's also a philanthropy, she is very warm and one big heart women. She's the one who gave me the early break in my career as a photographer doing models photo composites, some fashion, many kids birthday party photos including her own kids, and she has introduce me to her celebrity and Jakarta socialite friends, after that it kinda took off until now. I don't not used many of my celebrity couple, kids and family photos as a publicity stunt like some other photographers do because I respect their privacy as a client and they trust me upon their private life.

But with Koming I see her like my big sister. These are the photos that I took of her and her youngest Amadea three years ago. I just realize that this photos turn up beautiful. Is not because she's a model. but I believe that I capture her as herself and as her friend and family would perceived with no-make up and I just happen I brought my canon 1000D with kit lens (at that time that's the only one I have) just fun shoot at the front yard on her house.

So what makes a beautiful photo is not only about the expensive camera, lens and all of those other studio equipments but is a mutual chemistry between the object or the subject vice versa. The challenge as a photographer is capture the clients as what the client would likely to be perceived and make beautiful photos. And its best for clients to be prepared so they have ideas before a photo session. That is what I always said to our clients, because many would not expect this kind of privilege.

Therefore you feel free to discuss any concepts and what you should be preparing after making an appointment with us. That is the reason for appointments because it will give time for both of us to prepare. Usually we take time for you to get comfortable, chit chatty before we take photos. Because I believe when we are comfortable with each other we can make great photos, so please be on time. Last but not least, keep your good mood going, go to bed early, eat something light and healthy (for the kids too ), forget about work, bills, etc....LOL because is a lifetime thing that you are going to put it up on your wall and photo albums, and  facebook, and twitter, and path, instragram, pinterest and so on...hahah because today we going for a photoshoot. Well there u go Little Mousers keep positive keep  smiling and carry on...cheers

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