Monday, July 2, 2012

Nine beautiful months

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart" by Mandy Harrison

We all have seen many beautiful pregnancy photos...some can be cute, fun, and playful, while others might choose more romance and classic black and white. I guess whatever the photo is, nothing beats the beautiful expression of a pregnant mother to be our mommy and daddy to be. The same what we experience with our client Defi and her husband Hilmy with their second unborn baby boy. It's a lot of fun having them in the studio..especially with their cute 2 year old boy Keeran, who cannot stop giggling during the photo shoot and their for we give Keeran a bonus shots for being such a cute kid. So little mouse followers here's a preview of our photo..and don't forget to like our FB fan page...cheers

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