Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Jacob the Baby Superman

Thurday 29th of March 2011,

The skies are starting to get dark around the afternoon in Kedoya. We were a bit worried as the wind was blowing stronger but, at the same time we are very anxious to meet our  next family whose going to visit us for a photo session around 1 p.m. on this dark windy thursday afternoon. Just about before 2 p.m, we saw a black Toyota Yaris wondering around in front of our street. So we Thought that must be be them!, as the car keep turning to the right toward Ladybird school which is where the opposite from our studio.  

We were right, the car park in front of the school and there's Bram & Lina with the entourage..lol...
Why entourage?...well we thought it's kinda cute that reminds us back when our daughter Dominique was  just a newborn baby, everywhere we go there seems we always brought so much of her stuffs with us. Well they just made it right before the heavy rain starts.

Once we're in the Studio there's this cute little baby boy name Jacob with his curious little eyes wondering about the new place that he just arrived in. Well Jacob is not the only baby in the studio that afternoon, it turn up that big daddy Bram is a big fan of Superman...so he thought it would be a good idea to have photos of jacob with a superman t-shirt and later with mommy and daddy superman.

We had lots of fun that afternoon, well Jacob needs a break every 15 minutes or so..for his Kryptonite mommy's milk and his 30 minutes super nappy time. Well the Photo shoot went for 2 1/2 hours. As we have to end up the photo session around 5 p.m. well baby superman at his cranky time ( mommy Lina said) as that pretty much ends our session. So have a look at the photos..hopefully you all like it....up up and away for now...

Cheers Bram, Lina & Baby Jacob...

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