Monday, November 12, 2012

Picture worth long lasting memories

Dear little Mousers,

its been months since our last blog. So far we are blessed and thankful looking back on our achievements for the past couple of months, where we started with one to three clients back in April 2012, now we have booking appointments up to twenty photos till next month.

As a photographer sometimes I question my self "do I worthy to be  call a photographer or am I just another monkey with a DSLR camera who called myself a photographer?. ow...and not to be forgotten, the worst is are most photographers become more economic driven more in time and we tend to forget on how to shoot a good memorable photos that is going to last for ages instead we become a photo printing machine who tries to produce and sell  as much  with a price of peanuts in order to sell as many photos as we can. Also, there are  influenced by our surroundings that makes many of us become "doubters" which comes to a decision when we have to compete with those monkeys with a DSLR camera who can offer photo service with a printed album and more add-ons with a price of peanuts.

Other factor that add the equation is the clients. Many clients have lost the concept of a good photos that makes them think photographer is an easy job just click and erase the the bad ones (digital camera) and everything else there's photoshop. Somewhat true that photoshop can do wonders but then again is not the main tool for making a good photo. I am always a bit hesitant when a client said can you just cropped change the background and etc. Also in the perfect world,  everybody wants to look perfect body shape, nice smooth flawless skin in a photo.

However I think with kids,  children, and family photos should differ. There's a famous saying that "a picture speaks thousand words" where if we looked at our family and kids photos years back really tells stories about our lives, the good, the funny, the cute, the naughty stories behind the photos. some scars, birthmark, imperfections, some drooling babies are better just the way it is as a memorable reminder. 

So I guess is always prepare if you are planning a photo taken by a professional. Browse over the internet as a reference on how your photo want to look like discussed the concept with the photographer.  Best is make an appointment at your best children time, that also helps us preparing your best photo shoot experience. Some ideas might developed later at least we are not going to waste time as  children they are easily bored and can be unpredictable. Do have a look at their variety portfolios not just the simple on white background photo and find out their speciality. Basically how we kids and family photographers works, every clicks of our camera, lighting, and editing and photo shoot hours counts. Remember, you are buying memories that last a lifetime and you are not buying peanuts because you might get monkey. Cheap is good, but good is not cheap. 
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Monday, July 2, 2012

Nine beautiful months

"Before you were born I carried you under my heart. From the moment you arrived in this world until the moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart" by Mandy Harrison

We all have seen many beautiful pregnancy photos...some can be cute, fun, and playful, while others might choose more romance and classic black and white. I guess whatever the photo is, nothing beats the beautiful expression of a pregnant mother to be our mommy and daddy to be. The same what we experience with our client Defi and her husband Hilmy with their second unborn baby boy. It's a lot of fun having them in the studio..especially with their cute 2 year old boy Keeran, who cannot stop giggling during the photo shoot and their for we give Keeran a bonus shots for being such a cute kid. So little mouse followers here's a preview of our photo..and don't forget to like our FB fan page...cheers

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Gilbert the next Asia Junior Master Chef

Hello little Mouser....

it's been a long time since our last blog. We are pretty much hectic with taking photos and editing some of our clients photos so here we go...

Our client Martina Koesman is a long friend of mine...back in primary school actually. Well my wife kinda bump in each other her couple of months ago in Ace Hardware Puri Indah Mall talking and sharing  over buy one get three magic mop deal (gosh!!). Anyhow they chat..and suddenly the conversation leads to school and she went to the same primary school as me in SD Bellarminus at Menteng the center of Jakarta, so yeah..Crazy isn't it?...what a small world..excuse me I mean small town jakarta is.

So anyhow, I remember her when my wife mention about it. Back then she was a top student always got the 1st rank...a bit sad she didn't remember me though. That's ok..back then I was a little brat..the lazy group and the rebellious one. Now she own Kumon in Puri Centra Niaga I think it suits her for me the rebellious group become an artist which I think suits me well

So yeah...after that we took photos of her and her kids Thalia 10 years old and Gilbert 6 years old. I tell you what Gilbert is sooo...adorable...we show the kids our wardrobe..and as soon as Gilbert saw the apron and the fruits and vegetables replica that we have in our studio...right away..he said can I take the picture with the apron..because When I grew up I want to a chef..just like the junior master chef on TV...and we are more than happy to oblige.... there you go Gilbert N's your cooking photos..enjoy...

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Marvelous Marvel

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

5 years and still going

          April 21 2012,

         Today is our wedding anniversary. It's been 5 years we are married. There's countless ups and downs, where each of us have to adapt, adjust with each other sometimes, we question ourselves why we are together in the first place. wasn't a fairy tale at all...I remember our pre-wedding time that we are so exited, anxious that marriage is the tip our love that will last forever and ever..till' death do us on and so on... It's so obvious that we are trapped in this marriage kidding...well some what true...hahah...
          Apart from that,  I think we are truly blessed, we are bless with a gift from God our cute daughter Dominique, and whom is keeping us amuse every single day. So all I can say is I love you very much Felly.. Thank you so much for being patient, understanding, especially during the hard times for the past couple of years...and stand by me together in this new venture of our. May we are bless with more years to come....and hopefully God will bless us with another little amusement in our lives..a boy perhaps like you always wanted. So anyhow that's all for now....I better stop writing because the taxi is outside and ready to take us to the Bangkok here we come...cheers everybody...


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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The sun have to set twice for little Jeremy

Double six Beach, Bali Monday 9th of April 2012

          It was a hot hot evening in Bali that day. My friend linda and I was waiting for our first client  just right in front of Cocoon Beach Club at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Even though we have our sunnies on, still the sun heavy glare makes both of our eyes watery as we both could actually feel the heat burns our skins.  About 30 minutes later here comes our couple Lars and Mila, and also their cute almost a year old boy Jeremy on a motorbike. It was so cute seeing Jeremy covered inside the pouch made from a piece of fabric tied together  ( cukin is what we call in Indonesia ). I hardly sees them anymore with jakarta moms these days who would likely prefer modern stylist Mother Care baby carrier or perhaps have their maids wore the cukin carrying their baby while mom looking pretty in high heels with either real or immitation Birkin bag glancing on the shinny marble floor at the top shopping malls in Jakarta. But then again it's Bali who would wear high heals on the beach anyway right?...
          So off we go to our photo location at La Plancha beach bar. We try to get some shades by getting  a table which is right beside the bar entry but, the sun still catching us and glaring so strong which is not an ideal light for photo shoot. Well...I can managed the camera and still take photos however, Jeremy is not really in a good mood because he has not get his nappy time and the heat has worn the energy of our little star. Is not a disappointing photo session, when the kid has to go he have to go right?..but I managed to get couple of good shots of Jeremy before he got cranky so off he go back to mommy's pouch . But hey let's not waste the golden hour moment so  Mila said let's get the photos there you go's  mommy and daddy post wedding photo
          Anyhow, we re arrange the session for the next two or three days same time same place. On Thursday the 12 of April just before my flight back to Jakarta that day, we managed to get the photos all together..with Jaime and the sunset  on the second time. A little disappointment because the sunset was not that great so I cannot capture the yellow orange gradation on the back, but instead we got this beautiful red sky behind us, so makes the photo becomes more interesting. So there you go Mila & Lars, and bloggers out there, hopefully you like them...we can always do another session when I'm back to Bali in December this year.or any other photo shoot if I'm happen in Bali this year.
          Almost forgot to say happy one year birthday Jeremy on the 13th of April  2012  :) . To all bloggers out there if you are happen in Bali just come by to Mila's boutique uhm...well it calls Jamila's Boutique for some sheek and cool collections at Jl. Raya Seminyak. That's all for now, and there'll be more post about our Bali photo shoot session, out for now cheers...

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Back to Classics

I am always a big fan of classic photos....whether is Black n White, Retro colors, Pin up 40s and 50s styles..or even the wash out color photos like the lomography styles. I think there is always a touch of classics in all of us. That is the reason why we have the classic  set ups in our studio, not just merely trying to push our own creativity but also we think there's a certain beauty of classical style photos. Other kids studio may have used cute costumes with their baby photos, but we always believed that kids are cute and unique as their innocent selves, and that's what we are trying to capture.

Our next client is Abraham & Frieda with their 6 months old daughter Christely. Before they came to  the studio we've try to throw some ideas about having baby pictures in classic style. It took them a while convincing them that the pictures will not look like their grand parents old photos, in short they going for it at the end plus the normal black & White background. It was another fun day at the studio, as Little Chistely put her gorgeous lady like smile with her little white dress and white classic hat that she wore sitting  in a basket like a royal baby surrounded by the dolls really bring out the mood. Is just makes another fun day at the office. So here are the photos of Christely we hope you enjoy them..and if you like them, don't forget to recommend your friends about us and to like our face book..cheers...
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Swing Baby Swing

Our next little guest is a six months old baby girl named Diandra. Dee is the second child of my wife's friend Lukman and Novida. My wife Felly and Novida are online Bento sellers on Facebook.  

It takes almost fifteen minutes for Dee to settle...and another fifteen to get Dee ready for action. Mommy Novi told us that Dee is easily bored, and we thought no problem...we have plenty of toys and dolls which should be good to make her excited and entertain. Well we thought wrong....what Mommy Novi means every now and then during the photo shoot, Dee like to be swing. So there you go, Mommy and Daddy keep swinging Dee every couple minutes or so. Well that works very salute to Mom and Daddy keeping Dee giggling and laughing in no time, as a reward I gave you guys bonus photo in black and white for keeping dee

Dee must have been tired by all the swinging excitement. So we decided that we should break for milky time in the changing room and after that she fell asleep on mommy's arm. Fifteen minutes pass and Dee is still we thought it would be so cute to take Dee photo while she is  asleep. While mommy was putting Dee on the basket, she slowly open her little eyes  and we thought oh no...Dee is not going to be happy about this. No she's not....she's fine relax...and starts giggling, she seems to like the basket...and the soft towels in the basket...and God knows what she seems very interested with our purple bear. Well we guess the parents don't mind of Dee being in the basket and playing with the purple bear as there's no need of them to swing Dee for another thirty And we are happy because we get a good photo shot. Keep those cheerful face Dee...
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