Thursday, August 1, 2013

What to do di libur lebaran.

Hello Little Mousers....

Seminggu menjelang lebaran makin terasa di lingkungan studio kami. Banyak para pembantu rumah tangga yang berangsur-angsur mulai meninggalkan rumah dimana mereka berkerja. Banyak keluarga yang siap-siap packing untuk berlibur ke luar kota, luar negri, dan yang ingin mudik ke kampung halaman untuk berlebaran di kampung halaman. Termasuk assistant studio kami Faisal yang siang tadi sudah mudik juga.  Pastinya di benak Little Mousers jadi tambah pusinkkkk...duch nga ada emba..duch suster juga pulang..duch harus bayar infal dua kali lipat. well..apart from all of that, banyak cara loh yang bisa menjadikan libur lebaran ini jadi lebih fun dan jadikan moment liburan ini untuk lebih dekat dengan keluarga.

Pertama, booking hotel paket buy two nights get two nights free  hehe...bisa sih tapi pengalaman nga lagi deh. Di hotel malah seperti kamp pengungsian yah makan pagi antreee panjang...kalo kesiangan tinggal sisa-sisa tinggal nasi goreng yang selalu tersedia, meja dan kursi makan penuh sesak..dan swimming pool sejibun penuh penuh dengan anak-anak yang suka pipis di kolam. Hotel bintang lima rasanya seperti di sebuah apartement  di  kawasan Tanjung Duren di Jakarta Barat.

Kedua. Ke Bali,  yukk...langsung beli tiket yang harganya sudah selagit, atau sudah beli online jauh-jauh hari. Disana tidak kalah sesak seperti halnya di jakarta. Hotel-hotel full book dengan tarif high season, ditambah harga rental mobil yang juga sudah dua kali lipat, begitu juga dengan restaurant yang kian ramai pengunjung. Di tambah lagi bulan Juni hingga Agustus adalah adalah winter holiday season turis Australia. So try to avoid kuta area by car Little Mouser, sekali-sekali jalan kaki..lumayan membakar kalori dan pitness sambil gendong baby dan anak di tambah dengan tas berisi susu formula, diapers, wipes, termos air panas.. heheh..we all been there...but it's all good fun. lucunya malah kita bisa bersilaturahmi dengan teman-teman yang sudah lama tidak bertemu karena banyaknya orang jakarta yang liburan ke Bali. But Bali is always fun and amazing place to be, iya nga Little Mousers?. Visit the non-touristy places and get adventurous, google it, masih banyak koq tempat di Bali yang bukan resort atau tempat nongkrong eksklusif kyk Potato Head...rock bar, etc etc.  Dan orang Bali malah minggat ke Jakarta because of our mall is lots of fun and good place for shopping. Atau banyak juga yang ke Malang. Banyak juga yang bilang di Malang its a lot of fun and banyak tempat-tempat indah, we have to visit Malang too someday.

Ketiga, A comfort of your own house. that's right!, how many of you yang rumahnya kayak tempat kostan?...pergi pagi pulang malam cuma dipakai tidur?..well this is your chance!..spend time at home...tidur bangun siang..cuddle or simply play on Bed with the kids is fun or bangun pagi jogging atau naik sepeda bareng sama keluarga. Sambil fitness juga bisa Little Mousers..ngepel lantai and menyapu rumah..lap-lap..cuci piring and cuci baju sendiri test stamina.  Yang biasanya treadmill atau weight excercise , Yoga, RPM, Zhumba, etc biasanya kalo disuruh mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah pada teler. So get your ipod and start ngepel pretend you are in the gym.  Kalo nga mau rempong buruan deh beli mesin cuci dan supermob yang ada di swalayan ato ace hardware, tapi belinya tunggu pas abis D day lebaran paling di sale dibawah 200rb kalo sekarang 375 tapi belinya harus tiga..cape deh...patungan aja om tante..teteh... The great thing about spending time at home and teach the kids to do the house chores is practicing family teamwork...jadi nga usah jauh-jauh pergi latihan outbound atau any leadership program..and this time parents lead. Well if you are bored after a while, there's always the mall with plenty of excitement for your eyes and your wallet (mendingan ke Bali juga deh heheh).

Whatever you're going to do Little Mousers, holiday means spending money...sedikit atau banyak is up to you. But get to spend time with family is priceless. Makanya mumpung lagi kumpul sekeluarga is always a good idea diabadikan kebersamaannya and telpon deh Little Mouse Kids Photography. Photo keluarga mumpung lagi kumpul semuanya di studio atau di tempat kamu. Little Mouse tetap buka di libur lebaran, karena kita lebarannya Desember. Ok thanks for reading we hope its entertaining..and keep following us. Have a fun Ramadhan Holiday, Minalaidin Walfaizin mohon maaf lahir dan batin buat Little Mousers yang merayakan. have a save home trip and don't forget to be more alert and be careful lock your house hide your precious belongings and drive safely, karena jalanan di Jakarta rengang malah tambah rawan kecelakaan. Ciao #liburlebaran #lebaran2013 #pulangkampung #photoanak #littlemousekidsphotography #arusmudik2013 #liburan #photokeluarga #familyphoto #photoanak
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Friday, July 19, 2013

Our first media exposure

HI little Mousers,

We are so excited that Family Guide Indonesia has given our first media Thank you Family Guide Indonesia and looking forward for the next join event. So Grab you FREE Family Guide Magazine @baby Stores, cafes, malls..around big cities in Indonesia.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Beautiful photos comes from beautiful you

Hey Little Mousers...its been a while since I update our blog, and most of you would probably straight through to our facebook fan page as we also have been busy in and out of the studio too. So our blog was kind a abandon, but not forgotten off course :). so is not just blogging sake, Today I found out that cleaning up my imac which turns up to be a very difficult job. Is really hard to eliminate the photos really, as we went through each folder to another they were all precious. Families, kids, babies, all of them are cute and unique in their own way, so I have to  eliminate the unchosen and the unused ones to the bins and say good bye.

I stumble on this photos that I took for a friend of mine, her name is Koming back in October 2010 one of my first photos just before I started turn photography as a profession. Back then photography is a part time thinggy. Koming is a mother of three, home maker, famous model in the mid 90's in Indonesia..well until today you can still see her in family magazines and judges for a view modelling contest in Indonesia. Owner of baby spa in Dharmawangsa square fabulous place for kids day out, I took my 5 year old daughter she had a blast. Not to forget she's also a philanthropy, she is very warm and one big heart women. She's the one who gave me the early break in my career as a photographer doing models photo composites, some fashion, many kids birthday party photos including her own kids, and she has introduce me to her celebrity and Jakarta socialite friends, after that it kinda took off until now. I don't not used many of my celebrity couple, kids and family photos as a publicity stunt like some other photographers do because I respect their privacy as a client and they trust me upon their private life.

But with Koming I see her like my big sister. These are the photos that I took of her and her youngest Amadea three years ago. I just realize that this photos turn up beautiful. Is not because she's a model. but I believe that I capture her as herself and as her friend and family would perceived with no-make up and I just happen I brought my canon 1000D with kit lens (at that time that's the only one I have) just fun shoot at the front yard on her house.

So what makes a beautiful photo is not only about the expensive camera, lens and all of those other studio equipments but is a mutual chemistry between the object or the subject vice versa. The challenge as a photographer is capture the clients as what the client would likely to be perceived and make beautiful photos. And its best for clients to be prepared so they have ideas before a photo session. That is what I always said to our clients, because many would not expect this kind of privilege.

Therefore you feel free to discuss any concepts and what you should be preparing after making an appointment with us. That is the reason for appointments because it will give time for both of us to prepare. Usually we take time for you to get comfortable, chit chatty before we take photos. Because I believe when we are comfortable with each other we can make great photos, so please be on time. Last but not least, keep your good mood going, go to bed early, eat something light and healthy (for the kids too ), forget about work, bills, etc....LOL because is a lifetime thing that you are going to put it up on your wall and photo albums, and  facebook, and twitter, and path, instragram, pinterest and so on...hahah because today we going for a photoshoot. Well there u go Little Mousers keep positive keep  smiling and carry on...cheers
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Little Mouse go Green

Hello hello....

How r u all little Mousers,....

Well Finally we are coming thru this April...and guess what it's our first studio anniversary...yes it been a year... 
The big question is what's next???....well let us gave you a clue or two.... well at the moment we are refurbishing our back down an dirty. The plan is..we want to do classic theme..make more moveable props buying couple of furnitures....hopefully it will get send down from Jepara which is the center of furniture in the central of java that so far we ordered from the web by only looking at the hopefully is WYSIWYG. Apart of that, we need a new wallpaper and couple of other props. However in this refurbishing session we are more likely to focus on the garden. Strange isn't it...that's what happen when you get older.... gardening is old people's hobby. Nonsense, just kidding there.... well the reason is our studio is surrounded with garden...and instead of having fake leaves, trees and flowers ( We have those too apparently)...we might as well go with the real thing. Sometimes we can mix the fake and the real plant together. 

Therefor, this time we decided to go crazy on the garden..and you gonna love it..WHY?...because many of you frequently ask do we do outdoor photos..and yes we do...therefore you guys can have indoor and outdoor photo session in one location. First of all, Let's face it..Jakarta's traffic is worse than ever..nightmare if we are moving photo shoots location. Second, increasing petrol price. Third, parking is Rp 4000/ hour..where free parking on our studio :). Forth, There's no location charges, as some location is Jakarta can charge Rp 500.000 to Rp 1.000.000 for couple of hours of photo shoots. So wipe all that, just make an appointment with us relax, big smile tell us you concept..then we shoot it..

So far we are working to make 5 outdoor photo spots..with 1 zen garden concept, 2 tropical garden concepts, and 2 classical garden concepts...and we are making veggie patch too on the back. the 3 spots might need to wait for couple of months because we have to give the plants to grow lush first before we used it as a garden background....looks like we're going to be busy gardening until the end of the month So in the mean time here's a sneak peak. @littl3mous3 #littlemousekidsphotography #gogreen #indonesiaphotography #gogreenindonesia #kidsphotography #instagram #charlessumardiphotography #garden #gardening #indonesianweddingphotography 
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