Monday, November 12, 2012

Picture worth long lasting memories

Dear little Mousers,

its been months since our last blog. So far we are blessed and thankful looking back on our achievements for the past couple of months, where we started with one to three clients back in April 2012, now we have booking appointments up to twenty photos till next month.

As a photographer sometimes I question my self "do I worthy to be  call a photographer or am I just another monkey with a DSLR camera who called myself a photographer?. ow...and not to be forgotten, the worst is are most photographers become more economic driven more in time and we tend to forget on how to shoot a good memorable photos that is going to last for ages instead we become a photo printing machine who tries to produce and sell  as much  with a price of peanuts in order to sell as many photos as we can. Also, there are  influenced by our surroundings that makes many of us become "doubters" which comes to a decision when we have to compete with those monkeys with a DSLR camera who can offer photo service with a printed album and more add-ons with a price of peanuts.

Other factor that add the equation is the clients. Many clients have lost the concept of a good photos that makes them think photographer is an easy job just click and erase the the bad ones (digital camera) and everything else there's photoshop. Somewhat true that photoshop can do wonders but then again is not the main tool for making a good photo. I am always a bit hesitant when a client said can you just cropped change the background and etc. Also in the perfect world,  everybody wants to look perfect body shape, nice smooth flawless skin in a photo.

However I think with kids,  children, and family photos should differ. There's a famous saying that "a picture speaks thousand words" where if we looked at our family and kids photos years back really tells stories about our lives, the good, the funny, the cute, the naughty stories behind the photos. some scars, birthmark, imperfections, some drooling babies are better just the way it is as a memorable reminder. 

So I guess is always prepare if you are planning a photo taken by a professional. Browse over the internet as a reference on how your photo want to look like discussed the concept with the photographer.  Best is make an appointment at your best children time, that also helps us preparing your best photo shoot experience. Some ideas might developed later at least we are not going to waste time as  children they are easily bored and can be unpredictable. Do have a look at their variety portfolios not just the simple on white background photo and find out their speciality. Basically how we kids and family photographers works, every clicks of our camera, lighting, and editing and photo shoot hours counts. Remember, you are buying memories that last a lifetime and you are not buying peanuts because you might get monkey. Cheap is good, but good is not cheap. 
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